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Encouraging words from family, friends and acquaintances.
Our warm and heartfelt thanks to everyone who has sent their encouraging words to us.
They mean so much, and we in turn wish to share them with other caring people.
We have annoymized their letters, to protect their identity and as a mark of respect.

You have been doing a fantastic job of research and support for Nucha and have come up with a very credible and hopeful course of action for her - I am sure she is gaining enormously from this, physically, emotionally and spiritually, a service and care that huge numbers of patients are in need of and that, sadly, very few receive.  R, UK - 27 Dec 06.

    S and I received your gracious note of thanks and be assured we were more than happy to do what we could. I also understand what you mean by a quiet holiday. Our anniversary occurred shortly after Sharon was diagnosed with breast cancer and we didn't feel much like a celebration. We cried and held each other and as painful as it was it was also a time of great closeness and love.
    We can tell that Nucha is very special, and David, we think that what you are doing to help her is one of the nicest and most wonderful expressions of a husband's love that we have ever heard of.
    S and I are praying for you both .  Your friends, B&S, US - 2 Jan 07.

Hi David,
We were so sorry to learn the news about Nucha. Please send us info on how to donate by bank transfer or check.
Thanks, R&E, US - 11 Jan 07.

Dear David and Nucha,
    I was very touched by the difficult times that you both must be going through. I wish I could do more to help. You must not despair. When I had my cancer diagnosed as a particularly virulent type, I somehow still refused to see it as the end of the world and my oncologist said that that was 90% of the cure. After deep incision and radiation it seems to be in regress. I still have to have half yearly checkups. But alive and kicking and still smiling!!
    Nucha seems well equipped with internal fortitude and knowing how strong you are, I'm sure that mentally anyway you guys have what it takes!
    My wife H joins me in wishing you both success in your fight and a happy and bright new year.
    Yours, H, IE - 6 Jan 07.

We are touched by your effort!
Please advise the best way for my donation to reach Nucha.
Happy New Year to you and Nucha.
Y, SG - 4 Jan 07.

Nous vous souhaitons à toi et à ta fiancée une bonne année 2007, en espérant de tout coeur une amélioration de sa santé.  Nous souhaitons adresser notre modeste contribution à ton appel; puis-je t'adresser directement le chèque?
Avec toutes nos amitiés.  H, FR - 3 Jan 07.

I very sad heard about your partner suffer from lung cancer and her life in danger. But I live in China I have not visa or currency of UK, I only have Remimbi (Chinese currency). So the thing I can do is gave you a suggestion about treatment. Carry your partner back home, stopping radiating and chemotherapy, to inject the bcg vaccine (TB vaccine) every day, to eat Dangshen and Huangqi, (root of Co donopsis Pilosula and agacanth) that would be prolong her life, and treatment cost is very lower. That is ok. Your truly, Y, CN - 14 Jan 07.

C'est un grand changement pour la vie, surtout pour ta vie.  Je sais ce que je dois faire pour toi et Nucha. Elle va continuer jusqu`au bout, avec nous, avec toi, avec les amis.  Car elle est quelqu`un de bien, Dieu le sais. Heureusement, maintenent je suis en Chine, j`ai des amis, ma famille.  Je peux faire un peu des affaires pour Nucha. Je crois il y aura beaucoup de chinois qui veulent bien aider Nucha. La vie est belle quand meme. Je te tien au courant. L, CN - 7 Jan 07.

    I just wanted to say that my prayers are with you. As a student I am limited in what I can do financially, but I will see what I can squeeze out. I will also pass on your message to friends and family.
    I am sure that you have done and explored every option (and in fact I did a search and found a posting on a bulletin board about organic foods for your partner). I would feel remise if I didn't at least pass along a few ideas that I have heard recently that might at least help (even if they aren't cures). I have heard many good things about apricot seeds decreasing the size of cancers/tumors, as well as a raw food diet consisting of fruits and vegetables, and intravenous vitamin C chelation. Though I trust the sources of this information, I have no experience with them.
    Again, good-luck. I can't imagine what you are going through. A, US - 7 Jan 07.

    This is Alex. We spoke on the phone tonight (Sunday) about Nucha. Just to summarize, I am a student at X University working on my Ph.D. in X. I have been working with association X for the past 7 years on their X disk. I have small company (X) that publishes the disk each year. I have just spoken with the board of directors and they have agreed to donate $5 from each CD sold this upcoming year to your cause (saving-Nucha). We don't sell a lot of CDs each year (normally 80-100) but I would hope that every little bit counts.
    I will keep you informed of any information. My next step will be to talk to association X about advertising the X CD more heavily this year in order to maximize the donations. A, US - 7 Jan 07.

Chers David et Nucha,
    J'ai bien reçu votre appel de fonds, bien sûr je vous donnerai quelque chose mais ..., j'ai eu de très grosses dépenses ces derniers temps, en particulier l'installation de ma fille à X.
    De plus je retourne à X le 22 pour y faire des tests X pour évaluer X et mon X. J'ai quelques soucis de ce côté-là ! Pourvu que ce ne soit rien de définitif! Mais en tous les cas ce n'est rien en comparaison de ce que vit notre petite beauté, Nucha, si courageuse!
    Je vous embrasse fort, je pense beaucoup à vous, mais ce retour à X a été un peu difficile pour moi, je vous expliquerai: des collègues absents et beaucoup de travail à faire seule, alors que je suis limitée physiquement !
    Je vous embrasse fort tous les 2 !
    HAPPY NEW YEAR avec de beaux résultats et une guérison pour Nucha ! H, FR - 5 Jan 07.

Dear David,
Yes, I have been thinking of your cost for some time. First and foremost can you give me an account number so that I can pay in a X euro. I know it is not much compared to the real expenses but my resources are limited. I would suggest that you try an approach to Nucha's old employer, Professor X at Mahanakorn University, ... Nong Chok, Bangkok 10530. ... I think that the efforts you make are exceptional.
Every good wish, D, TH - 28 Dec 06.






more to be included when we have time


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